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2 Doors Down [G]Dolly Parton

Chorus 1
G Two D doors C down they're laughing and drinking and having a D parGty and
G Two D doors C down they're not aware that D I'm arGound
G But D here C I am crying my heart out and feeling D sorrGy
G They're having a party just C two D doors G down

Verse 1
G I think I'll dry these D useless tears and C get myself toGgether
G I think I'll wonder down the hall and C have a D look arGound
G Cause I can't stay D inside this lonely C room and cry forGever
G I think I'd really rather join them C two D doors G down yeah

Chorus 2
G Two D doors C down they're laughing and drinking and having a D parGty and
G Two D doors C down they're all aware that DI'm arGound
G Here D I C am no longer crying and feeling D sorrGy
G We're having a party just C two D doors G down

Verse 2
G I can't believe I'm standDing here dried C eyed, all smiles and G talking
G Making conversation with the C new love that I G found
G I'm asking him if D he'd like to be C alone and we start G wallking
G Down the hall to my place baby C two D doors G down

Chorus 3
G Two D doors C down they're laughing and drinking and having a D parGty and
G Two D doors C down we're not aware that D they're arGound
G Here D I C am Here we are feeling everythiong but D sorrGy
G WE're having our own party C two D doors G down

G oooh oooh oooh oooh Two doors down x4

Chrosu 4
G Two D doors C down they're laughing and drinking and having a D parGty and
G Two D doors C down they're all aware that D I'm arGound
G Here D I C am no longer crying and feeling D sorrGy
G We're having a party just C two D doors G down

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C