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Do You Remember These [F]The Statler Brothers

Verse 1
F Saturday morning D serials, chapters G 1 through 15.
C Fly paper, penny loafers, F Lucky Strike Green.
Flat tops, D sock hops, StudeGbaker, Pepsi Please.
A Ahh, do you remember C these?

Verse 2
F Cigar Bands D on your hand, your G daddy's socks rolled down.
C Sticks, no plugs, and aviator caps with F flaps that button down.
D Movie stars on Dixie Cup tops, and G knickers to your knees.
A Ahh, do C you remember F these?

Verse 3
The D Hit Parade, grape Tru-Aid, the G Sadie Hawkins Dance.
C Pedal pushers, duck-tail hair, and F pegging your pants.
D Howdy-Doody, Tutti-Frutti, the G seam up the back of her hose.
A Ahh, do C you remember F those?

Verse 4
F James Dean, D he was keen, Sunday G movies were taboo.
The C Senior Prom, Judy's mom, F Rock-n-Roll was new.
D Cracker Jack prize, stars in your eyes, ask G Daddy for the keys.
A Ahh, do C you remember F these? F

Verse 5
F The boogey man, D lemonade stands, G taking your tonsils out.
C Indian burn, and wait your turn, and F 4 foul balls you're out.
D Cigarette loads, and secret codes, and G saving lucky stars.
Can B you remember back that C far?

Verse 6
To F boat neck shirts, and D fender skirts, and G crinoline petticoats.
C Mum's the word, and a dirty bird, and a F double root-beer float.
D Moon hub caps. and loud heel taps. and G he's a real gone cat.
B Ahh, do C you remember F that?

Verse 7
G Dancing close, little F moron jokes, and A cooties in her hair.
D Captain Midnight, Ovaltine, and The G Whip at the County Fair.
G Charles Atlas Course, Roy Roger's Horse, and A only The Shadow knows.
C Ahh, do you remember D those?

Verse 8
G Gable's charm, F Frog in your arm, loud A mufflers, pitching woo.
D Going steady, Veronica and Betty, white G bucks, and Blue Suede Shoes.
F Knock Knock jokes, and Who's there?..A Dewey, Dewey who?
C Do we, D remember G these.

G Yes, we F do..ahh, A do we, D do we remember G these?

1 2 F 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 A 1 2 3 B