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Danny Boy [A]

Intro A A7 D Dm A E7 A - first 2 lines

A Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the A7 pipes are Dcalling Dm
From glen to A glen and down the mountain E7 side
The summer's A gone and A7 all the flowers are D dyDming
It's you, It's A you must E7 go and I must A bide

But come ye back when D summer's in the A meadow F#m
Or when the A valley's huDshed and white with E7 snow
Tis I'll be A here in D sunshine or in A shadow F#m
Oh Danny A Boy, oh Danny E7 Boy, I love you A so

A But if you come and A7 all the flowers are D dying Dm
And I am A dead, as A7 dead I well may be E7
You'll come and A find the A7 place where I am D lying Dm
And kneel and A say an E7 Ave there for me A

And I will know tho' D soft you tread aAbove me
And all my A grave will D richer sweeter E7 be
And you'll bend A down and D tell me that you A love me F#m
And I will A rest in peace unE7til you come to A me

A E7 A

1 2 A 1 A7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 3 F#m