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I Walk the Line Revisited [A]Rodney Crowell


Verse 1
G I'm back on board that '49 Ford in 1956
Long before the sun came up D way out in the sticks
G The headlights showed a two-rut road
Way back up in the C pines
G First time I heard D Johnny Cash
'Sing I Walk the G Line'

Verse 2
G I got my thrill behind the wheel upon my daddies lap
Grandpa rode co-pilot with a D flashlight and a map
G Cane pole out the window
It was in the summer C time
G First time I heard D Johnny Cash
Sing 'I Walk the G Line'

Chorus 1
I keep a C close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my G eyes wide open all the time
I keep the C ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're D mine, I walk the G line

Verse 3
G I never will forget that day, I know the time and place
Sounded like the whole thing came right D down from outer space
G I still can see those headlights
and that dashboard in my C mind
G First time I heard D Johnny Cash
sing I walk the G line

Chorus 2
I find it C very very easy to be true
I find myself G alone when each day is through
Yes I'll admit C that I'm a fool for you
Because you're D mine, I walk the G line

Verse 4
G All these long years later it's still music to my ears
I swear it sounds as good right now as D anything I hear
G I've seen the Mona Lisa
I've heard Shakespeare read' real C fine
G Just like hearing D Johnny Cash
Sing 'I Walk the G Line'

Chorus 3
As sure as C night is dark and day is light
I keep you G on my mind both day and night
And happiCness that I've known proves that it's right
Because you're D mine, I walk the G line

Because you're D mine, I walk the C line D G

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 3 C