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Dedicated Follower Of Fashion [C]The Kinks

Intro w/ single strums
C* C* Csus4* Csus4*
C* C* Csus4* Csus4*

Verse 1
They seek him G here... they seek him C there
His clothes are G loud... but never C square
F It will make or break him so he's C got to buy the A7 best
Cos he's a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion Csus4-C

Verse 2
C And when he G does... his little C rounds
Round the bouGtiques... of London C town
F Eagerly pursuing all the C latest fancy A7 trends
Cos he's a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion Csus4-C

Verse 3
Oh yes he G is oh yes he is... oh yes he C is oh yes he is
He F thinks he is a flower to be C looked at Csus4-C
And F when he pulls his frilly nylon C panties right up A7 tight
He feels a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion

Verse 4
Oh yes he G is oh yes he is... oh yes he C is oh yes he is
There's F one thing that he loves and that is C flattery Csus4-C
F One week he's in polka dots the C next week he's in A7 stripes
Cos he's a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion Csus4-C

Verse 5
C They seek him G here... they seek him C there
In Regent's G Street... and Leicester C Square
F Everywhere the Carnabetian C army marches A7 on
Each one a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion

Verse 6
Oh yes he G is oh yes he is... oh yes he C is oh yes he is
His F world is built round discotheques and C parties Csus4-C
This F pleasure seeking individual C always looks his A7 best
Cos he's a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion Csus4-C

Verse 7
Oh yes he G is oh yes he is... oh yes he C is oh yes he is
He F flits from shop to shop just like a C butterfly Csus4-C
In F matters of the cloth he is as C fickle as can A7 be
Cos he's a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion A

He's a D dedicated G7 follower of C fashion A
He's a D dedicated G follower of C fashion

3 C 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 A7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7 1 2 A