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Trail Of Tears [C]Billy Ray Cyrus


Verse 1
Too C many broken promises
Too G many Trail of Tears
Too C many times you were left cold
For G oh so many years
Too C many times you walked away
And G was made to feel ashamed
And C though you only tried to give
You G were often blamed

Verse 2
How C can this world be so dark
So G unfair and so untrue
How C did the cards of life
Fold G right on top of you

Verse 3
God C in Heaven, hear my prayer
If G you are still above
Send C the children hopes and dreams
And G lots and lots of love
For C this I only ask of you
To G conquer all their fears
And C let them soar like eagles
Across G the Trail of Tears

3 C 1 2 3 G