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Will ye go lassie go? (Maggie) [C]Francis McPeake

Verse 1
Oh the C summer F time is C comin'
And the F trees are sweetly C bloomin'
And the F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
Grows a Dmround the blooming Fheather

Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go to C gether
To pluck F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
All a Dm round the blooming F heather
Will ye Cgo, Flassie, Cgo?

Verse 2
I will C build my Flove a C tower
By yon F clear crystal Cfountain
And F round it G7I will Am pile
All the Dm flowers of the Fmountain

Will ye Cgo, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go to C gether
To pluck F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
All a Dm round the blooming F heather
Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?

Verse 3
If my C true love F e'er should C leave me
I would F surely find an C other
To pluck F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
All a Dm round the bloomin' F heather

Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go to C gether
To pluck F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
All a Dm round the bloomin' F heather
Will ye Cgo F lassie C go

Verse 4
Oh the C autumn F time is C comin'
And the F leaves are sweetly C fallin'
Where the F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
Grows a Dm round the blooming F heather

Will ye C go, F lassie, C go?
And we'll F all go to C gether
To pluck F wild G7 mountain Am thyme
All a Dm round the bloomin' F heather
Will ye C go F lassie C go
Will ye C go F lassie C* go

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm