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A Place in the Choir [C]Celtic Thunder


C All God's creatures got a place in the choir,
G Some sing low and C some sing higher,
Some F sing out loud on the C telephone wire,
G Some just clap their C hands or paws or anything they got, now.


C Listen to the top where the little bird sings,
And the G melodies, and the high notes ringing,
And the F hoot-owl cries over every C thing,
And the G blackbird C disagrees.

Singing in the night time, singing in the day,
And the G little duck quacks, and he's on his way,
And the F otter hasn't got much to C say,
And the porcupine G talks to C himself.


C The dogs and the cats, they take up the middle,
Where the G honeybee hums, and the cricket fiddles,
The F donkey brays, and the pony C neighs,
And the old gray G badger C sighs.

C Listen to the bass it's the one on the bottom,
Where the G bullfrog croaks, and the hippopotamus,
F moans and groans with a big to C do,
And the G old cow just goes C moo.


C It's a simple song, a little sung everywhere,
By the G ox and the fox and the grizzly bear,
The F dopey alligator and the hawk C above,
The G sly old weasel and the C turtledove.



All God's creatures got a place in the choir!

× × × × NC 3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F