Don't Marry Her, Have Me
Beautiful South
[C] [C]
Verse 1:
[C] Think of you with [G] pipe and slippers, [F] Think of her in [G] bed
[F] Laying there just [C] watching telly,[D7] Think of me in[G]stead;
I'll [C] never grow so [G] old and flabby, [F] That could never [G] be
[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C] me.
Verse 2:
Your [C] love light shines like [G] cardboard, Your [F] work shoes they are [G] glistening
She's a [F] Phd in 'I [C] told you so', You've a [D7] knighthood in 'I'm not [G] listening';
She’ll [C] always be be[G]side you, [F] Bring you cups of [G] tea
[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C] me.
|And the [C] Sunday sun shines down on San Fran[F]cisco [C] Bay
|And you [F] realize you can't make it any[C]way
|You have to wash the car
|Take the [F] kiddies to the [C] park
|[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C] me.
Verse 3:
Those [C] lovely Sunday [G] mornings, With [F] breakfast brought in [G] bed
Those [F] blackbirds look like [C] knitting needles,[D7] Trying to peck your [G] head;
Those [C] birds will peck your [G] soul out, And [F] throw away the [G] key
[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C] me.
Verse 4:
The [C] kitchen's always [G] tidy, The [F] bathroom's always [G] clean
She's a di[F]ploma in 'just [C] hiding things', You've a [D7] first in 'low es[G]teem';
Your [C] socks might smell of [G] angels, Your [F] life might smell of [G] Brie
[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C] me.
|And the [C] Sunday sun shines down on San Fran[F]cisco [C] Bay
|And you [F] realize you can't make it any[C]way
|You have to wash the car
|Take the [F] kiddies to the [C] park
|[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C] me.
And the [C*] Sunday sun shines down on San Fran[F*]cisco [C*] Bay
And you [F*] realize you can't make it [F*] any [C*]way
You [C*] have to wash the car
Take the [F*] kiddies to the [C*] park
[F*] Don't marry [G*] her, have [C*] me.
Verse 1
C Think of you with G pipe and slippers, F Think of her in G bed
F Laying there just C watching telly,D7 Think of me inGstead;
I'll C never grow so G old and flabby, F That could never G be
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.
Verse 2
Your C love light shines like G cardboard, Your F work shoes they are G glistening
She's a F Phd in 'I C told you so', You've a D7 knighthood in 'I'm not G listening';
She’ll C always be beGside you, F Bring you cups of G tea
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.
And the C Sunday sun shines down on San FranFcisco C Bay
And you F realize you can't make it anyCway
You have to wash the car
Take the F kiddies to the C park
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.
Verse 3
Those C lovely Sunday G mornings, With F breakfast brought in G bed
Those F blackbirds look like C knitting needles,D7 Trying to peck your G head;
Those C birds will peck your G soul out, And F throw away the G key
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.
Verse 4
The C kitchen's always G tidy, The F bathroom's always G clean
She's a diFploma in 'just C hiding things', You've a D7 first in 'low esGteem';
Your C socks might smell of G angels, Your F life might smell of G Brie
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.
And the C Sunday sun shines down on San FranFcisco C Bay
And you F realize you can't make it anyCway
You have to wash the car
Take the F kiddies to the C park
F* Don't marry G* her, have C me.
And the C* Sunday sun shines down on San FranF*cisco C* Bay
And you F* realize you can't make it F* any C*way
You C* have to wash the car
Take the F* kiddies to the C* park
F* Don't marry G* her, have C* me.