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Ireland's Call [G]Phil Coulter

GCome the day and Ccome the Ghour
Come the power and the CglorDy
We have Gcome to Canswer
Our G Country's caCll
From the Gfour Cproud Dprovinces of GIreland

GIreland, CIreland
GTogether stanCding Dtall
GShoulder to Cshoulder
GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

Verse 2
GFrom the mighty CGlens of GAntrim
From the rugged hills of CGalDway
From the Gwalls of CLimerick
To G DubliCn Bay
From the Gfour Cproud Dprovinces of GIreland

GIreland, CIreland
GTogether stanCding Dtall
GShoulder to Cshoulder
GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

Verse 2
GHearts of steel and Cheads unGbowing
Vowing never to be CbrokDen
We will fGight, until Cwe
Can G fight noC more
From the Gfour Cproud Dprovinces of GIreland

GIreland, CIreland
GTogether stanCding Dtall
GShoulder to Cshoulder
GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

GWe'll answer DIreland's Gcall

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D