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Stick Season [G]Noah Kahan (Folk Strum DD, UDU)

Intro G

As you Gpromised me that I was more than all the miles combined
You mustʼve Dhad yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive
Because your Emvoice trailed off exactly as you passed my exit sign
Kept on Cdrivinʼ straight and left our future to the right

Now I am Gstuck between my anger and the blame that I canʼt face
And Dmemories are somethinʼ even smoking weed does not replace
And I am Emterrified of weather ʼcause I see you when it rains
Doc Ctold me to travel, but thereʼs COVID on the planes


And I love Vermont, but itʼs the season of the sticks
And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed
And itʼs half my fault, but I just like to play the victim
Iʼll drink alcohol ʼtil my friends come home for Christmas

And Iʼll Gdream each night of some version of you
That I Dmight not have, but I did not lose
Now youʼre Emtire tracks and one pair of shoes
And Iʼm Csplit in half, but thatʼllD have to doG

So I Gthought that if I piled something good on all my bad
That I could Dcancel out the darkness I inherited from Dad
No, I am Emno longer funny ʼcause I miss the way you laugh
You once Ccalled me «forever,» now you still canʼt call me back


And Iʼll Gdream each night of some version of you
That I Dmight not have, but I did not lose
Now youʼre Emtire tracks and one pair of shoes
And IʼmC split in half, but thatʼll Dhave to doG

Oh, thatʼll have to dDo
My other half was Emyou
I hope this painʼs just Cpassinʼ through
But I Ddoubt it


And I Glove Vermont, but itʼs the season of the sticks
And I Dsaw your mom, she forgot that I existed
And itʼs Emhalf my fault, but I just like to play the victim
Iʼll drink Calcohol ʼtil my friends come home for Christmas

And Iʼll Gdream each night of some version of you
That I Dmight not have, but I did not lose
Now youʼre Emtire tracks and one pair of shoes
And Iʼm Csplit in half, but thatʼll Dhave to doG

DHave to doG

                                                                Adjusted by Rodger Bangor Ukes 2024

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C