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The Ballad of Lucy Jordan * [C]Dr Hook


The Cmorning sun touched lightly on, the Feyes of Lucy CJordan
In her white suburban bedroom, in a Gwhite suburban town,G7
As she Clay there beneath the covers,C7 dreaming Fof a thousand Clovers
Till the Gworld turned to G7orange and the room went spinning Cround,C7

At the Fage of 37, she Crealized she'd never ride through Paris
In a sports car, with the warm wind in her GhairGsus4G
And she Clet the phone keep ringing,C7 as she Fsat there softly Csinging
Pretty Gnursery rhymes she'd G7memorized in her Fdaddy's easy CchairCCsus4C

Her Chusband, he was off to work, C7and the Fkids were off to Cschool
And there were oh so many ways for Gher to spend her day,G7
She could Cclean the house for hours, or Frearrange the Cflowers
Or run Gnaked down the G7shady street Gscreaming all the Cway,C7

At the Fage of 37, she Crealized she'd never ride through Paris
In a sports car, with the warm wind in her GhairGsus4G
And she Clet the phone keep ringing,C7 as she Fsat there softly Csinging
Pretty Gnursery rhymes she'd G7memorized in her Fdaddy's easy CchairCCsus4C

The Cevening sun touched gently on,the Feyes of Lucy CJordan
On the rooftop where she'd climbed when all the laughter grew too Gloud,G7
And she Cbowed and curtseyed to the man, who Freached and offered her his Chand
And Gled her down to the G7long white car that waited past the Ccrowd,C7

At the Fage of 37, she Cknew she'd found forever as they rode along through Paris
With the warm wind in her GhairGsus4G

G7Ooooohhh Cyes with the Fwind in her Chair

G7Ooooohhh Cyes with the Fwind in her Chair..

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 3 Csus4