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Little Talks [Am]Of Monsters & Men

Am F C G x4 Riff played here

Verse 1 single strums
AmI don't like Fwalking around ThisC old and empty house
So Amhold my hand I'llF walk with you, myC dear
The Amstairs creak Fas you sleep It'sC keeping me awake
It's the Amhouse tellingF you To close yourC eyes
AmSome days F  I can't even Cdress myself
It's Amkilling me to Fsee  you this Cway
double strum
'Cause though theAm truth mayF vary
ThisC ship will Gcarry our Ambodies Fsafe to shoreCCCCG

Am F C G x4 Riff played here

Verse 2
  There's anAm old voiceF  in my head
That'sC holding me back
Well Amtell her that I Fmiss our little Ctalks
AmSoon it will be Fover
And Cburied with our past
We Amused to play outFside
When we wereC young And full of life and full of love
AmSome days FI  don't know ifC I am wrong or right
Your Ammind is playing Ftricks on you, myC dear
double strum
'Cause though the Amtruth may Fvary
ThisC ship will Gcarry our Ambodies Fsafe to shoreCCCCG

Don't Amlisten to a Fword I Csay. GHEY
  TheAm screams allF sound the Csame.G
  Though thAme truth mayF vary This Cship willG carry ourAm bodiesF safe to CshoreG

Am F C G x4 Riff played here

Verse 3
You're Amgone gone Fgone away IC watched you disappear
AmAll that's left Fis  a ghost ofC you
Now we're Amtorn torn Ftorn apart There'sC nothing we can do
Just Amlet me go, and Fwe'll meet againC soon
double strum
No Amwait wait Fwait for meC Please hangG around
I Amsee you when I Ffall asleepC.CCCG

Chorus x2
Don'Amt listen to Fa word CI sayG. HEY
  TheAm screams allF sound the Csame.G
  Though thAme truth mayF vary This Cship willG carry ourAm bodiesF safe to CshoreG
  Though Amthe truth mFay vary ThiCs ship wiGll carry oAmur bodiFes safe tCo shorGe
single strums for last line
  ThoughAm the truth Fmay vary ThCis ship wGill carry Amour bodFies safe Cto shoGre

2 Am 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G