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Delicate [F]Damien Rice

Intro Bb F x3 C

Verse 1
BbWe might Fkiss Bbwhen we are Falone
BbWhen nobody's Fwatching
CWe might take it home
BbWe might make Fout Bbwhen nobody's Fthere
BbIt's not that we're Fscared
CIt's just that it's delicate

So why do you Bbfill my sorrow
With the Fwords you've borrowed
From the Bbonly place you've Fknown
And why do you Bbsing Hallelujah
If it Fmeans nothing to you
Why do you Bbsing with me at Call?

Verse 2
BbWe might Flive Bblike never Fbefore
BbWhen there's nothing to Fgive
Well how can we Cask for more
BbWe might make Flove Bbin some sacred Fplace
BbThe look on your Fface is Cdelicate

So why do you Bbfill my sorrow
With the Fwords you've borrowed
From the Bbonly place you've Fknown
And why do you Bbsing Hallelujah
If it Fmeans nothing to you
Why do you Bbsing with me at Call?

So why do you Bbfill my sorrow
With the Fwords you've borrowed
From the Bbonly place you've Fknown
And why do you Bbsing Hallelujah
If it Fmeans nothing to you
Why do you Bbsing with me at Call?

1 2 3 Bb 1 2 F 3 C