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About a Girl [Em]Nirvana

Em G Em G Em G Em G
Em    G  Em    G  Em    G  Em    G
EmGneed an Emeasy Gfriend
I Emdo Gwith a Emear to Glend
I Emdo Gthink you Emfit this Gshoe
I Emdo Gwant you to Emhave a Gclue

C#  I'll take adF#vantage while
C#  You hang me F#out to dry
But EI can't see you Aevery Cnight
EmFreeG  Em    G
I Emdo  G  Em    G

EmI'm Gstandin' Emin your Gline
I Emdo Ghope you Emhave the Gtime
I Emdo Gpick a Emnumber Gtoo
I Emdo Gkeep a Emdate with Gyou

C#  I'll take adF#vantage while
C#  You hang me F#out to dry
But EI can't see you Aevery Cnight
EmFreeG  Em    G
I Emdo  G  Em    G

C# F#
C# F#
E          A    C
Em G Em G
Em    G  Em    G
EmGneed an Emeasy Gfriend
I Emdo Gwith a Emear to Glend
I Emdo Gthink you Emfit this Gshoe
I Emdo Gwant you to Emhave a Gclue

C#  I'll take adF#vantage while
C#  You hang me F#out to dry
But EI can't see you Aevery Cnight
No, EI can't see you Aevery Cnight

C)    Cm
EmFreeG  Em    G

I Emdo  G  Em    G
I Emdo  G  Em    G
I Emdo  G  Em    G
I Emdo

1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 C# 1 3 2 F# 1 2 E 1 2 A 3 C 1 1 1 Cm