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Shining Light [D]Ash

DRoman candles that Gburn in the Dnight
Yeah Bmyou are a Gshining Dlight
DYou lit a torch in the Ginfinite Dnight
Yeah Bmyou are a Gshining Dlight
Yeah Bmyou light Gup my Dlife.

DYou have always been a Gthorn in my Dside
But toBm me you’re a Gshining Dlight
DYou arrive and the Gnight is aDlive
Yeah Bmyou are a Gshining Dlight
Yeah Bmyou light Gup my Dlife

DWe made a conBmnection, a F#mfull on chemical Greaction
But by F#mdark divine interGvention, yeah Ayou are a shining light
A Dconstellation once Bmseen over F#mroyal David’s Gcity
AnF#m epiphany you burn so Gpretty
Yeah Ayou are a shining light

DYou are a force you are aG constantD source
Yeah Bmyou are a Gshining Dlight
DIncandescent in the Gdarkest Dnight
Yeah Bmyou are a Gshining Dlight
Yeah Bmyou light Gup my Dlife


BmThese are the days you Boften say, there’sA nothing that we cannotG# do
BmBeneath a canoApy of stars BmI’d shed blood for Ayou


AYou light up my life
AYeah you are a shining light
AYou light up my lifeD

                                                                                                                      Rodger Bangor Ukes 2024

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