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Better Together [F]Jack Johnson

FThere's no combinAmation of words
I could Dmput on the back of a postCcard
No song Bbthat I could sing Am
But GmI can try for your heart,C
Four dreamsAm, and they are Dmmade out of Creal things
like a shoe Bbbox of photoAmgraphs
with sepia-Gmtoned loving  C
FLove is the Amanswer
at least for Dmmost of the questions in Cmy heart, like
Why are we Bbhere? And where do we Amgo?
And how Gmcome it's so Chard?
It's Fnot always easy Amand
sometimes Dmlife can be deCceiving
I'll Bbtell you one Amthing, it's always Gmbetter when we're Ctogether

MmmmBb, It's always Cbetter when we're together
YeahBb we'll look at them Cstars and we're together
WellBb, it's always Cbetter when we're together
YeahBb it's always Cbetter when we're together

F Am Dm C Bb Am Gm C x2

Verse 2
And all of these Fmoments
just might Amfind their way Dminto my dreams Ctonight,
But BbI know that they’'ll Ambe gone
when the Gmmorning light Csings
Fand brings new Amthings
Dmfor tomorrow night Cyou see
that Bbthey’ll be gone Amtoo,
Gmtoo many things CI have to do
But if all of these Fdreams might find Amtheir way
into Dmmy day to day Cscene
I'd be Bbunder the imAmpression
i was Gmsomewhere in beCtween
With only Ftwo,
Just me and Amyou,
Not so many Dmthings we got to Cdo
or places Bbwe got to be  Am
We'll sit Gmbeneath the mango tree, now,

Yeah BbIt's always Cbetter when we're together
Mmmm, Bbwe're somewhere Cin between together
Well, Bbit's always Cbetter when we're together
Yeah, Bbit's always Cbetter when we're together

F Am Dm C Bb Am Gm C x2

GmI believe in memorCies
they look so, Gmso pretty when I sleCep
Hey now, Gmand when I wake Cup,
you look so Gmpretty sleeping next ton Cme
But there is Gmnot enough timeC,
There is no, Gmno song I could Csing
and there is noGm combination of woCrds I could say
but I will stiGmll tell you one thingC

We're Better together
F Am Dm C Bb Am Gm C x2

1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Gm