Down to the River to Pray
Alison Krauss
Verse 1:
As I went [E] down to the [A] river to [E] pray [B7] Studying about that [E] good old way
And who shall wear, the [A] starry crown Good [B7] lord, [A] show me the [E] way
|[B7] O sisters [E] let's go down
|[A] Let's go down, [E] come on down
|[B7] O sisters [E] let's go down,
|[A] Down in the river to [E] pray
Verse 2:
As I went [E] down to the [A] river to [E] pray [B7] Studying about that [E] good old way
And who shall wear, the [A] starry crown Good [B7] lord, [A] show me the [E] way
Chorus: O Brothers
Verse 3:
As I went [E] down to the [A] river to [E] pray [B7] Studying about that [E] good old way
And who shall wear, the [A] starry crown Good [B7] lord, [A] show me the [E] way
|[B7] O fathers [E] let's go down
|[A] Let's go down, [E] come on down
|[B7] O fathers [E] let's go down,
|[A] Down in the river to [E] pray
Verse 4:
As I went [E] down to the [A] river to [E] pray [B7] Studying about that [E] good old way
And who shall wear, the [A] starry crown Good [B7] lord, [A] show me the [E] way
Chorus: O mothers...etc
Verse 5:
As I went [E] down to the [A] river to [E] pray [B7] Studying about that [E] good old way
And who shall wear, the [A] starry crown Good [B7] lord, [A] show me the [E] way
|[B7] O sinners [E] let's go down
|[A] Let's go down, [E] come on down
|[B7] O sinners [E] let's go down,
|[A] Down in the river to [E] pray
Verse 6:
As I went [E] down to the [A] river to [E] pray [B7] Studying about that [E] good old way
And who shall wear, the [A] starry crown
Outro (Slower):
Good [B7*] lord, [A*] show me the [E*] way
Verse 1
As I went E down to the A river to E pray B7 Studying about that E good old way
And who shall wear, the A starry crown Good B7 lord, A show me the E way
B7 O sisters E let's go down
A Let's go down, E come on down
B7 O sisters E let's go down,
A Down in the river to E pray
Verse 2
As I went E down to the A river to E pray B7 Studying about that E good old way
And who shall wear, the A starry crown Good B7 lord, A show me the E way
Chorus O Brothers
Verse 3
As I went E down to the A river to E pray B7 Studying about that E good old way
And who shall wear, the A starry crown Good B7 lord, A show me the E way
B7 O fathers E let's go down
A Let's go down, E come on down
B7 O fathers E let's go down,
A Down in the river to E pray
Verse 4
As I went E down to the A river to E pray B7 Studying about that E good old way
And who shall wear, the A starry crown Good B7 lord, A show me the E way
Chorus O mothers...etc
Verse 5
As I went E down to the A river to E pray B7 Studying about that E good old way
And who shall wear, the A starry crown Good B7 lord, A show me the E way
B7 O sinners E let's go down
A Let's go down, E come on down
B7 O sinners E let's go down,
A Down in the river to E pray
Verse 6
As I went E down to the A river to E pray B7 Studying about that E good old way
And who shall wear, the A starry crown
Outro Slower
Good B7* lord, A* show me the E* way