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Because The Night [Am]Patti Smith Version

Am F G Am x2

AmTake me Fnow baby Ghere as I Amam
Pull me Fclose, try and GunderAmstand
Desire is Fhunger, is the Gfire I Ambreathe
Love is a Fbanquet on Gwhich we Amfeed.

CCome on Gnow, try to CunderGstand
The Amway I Gfeel when I’m Amin your Ghand
CTake my Ghand, come Cunder Gcover
They Bbcan’t hurt you now, Amcan’t hurt you now
E7Can’t hurt you now…

AmBecause the Fnight belongs Gto Amlovers
AmBecause the Fnight belongs Gto Amlust
AmBecause the Fnight belongs Gto Amlovers
AmBecause the Fnight belongs Gto Amus

AmHave I Fdoubt when GI’m Amalone
Love is a Fring on the GteleAmphone
Love is an Fangel disGguised as Amlust
Here in our Fbed till the Gmorning Amcomes

CCome on Gnow try and CunderGstand
The Amway I Gfeel under Amyour comGmand
CTake my Ghand, as the Csun deGscends
They Bbcan’t touch  you now, Amcan’t touch you now
E7Can’t touch you now…


With Clove we Gsleep,
With Cdoubt the Gvicious circle Amturns and Fturns
WitChout you, I Gcannot Amlive
ForFgive the Cyearning Gburning
I beAmlieve in Ftime too Creal to Gfeel.
So Amtouch me now, Ctouch me now
FTouch me E7now….

Chorus x2

                                Added by Rodger Bangor Ukes May 2024

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 E7