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Mary’s Prayer [C]Danny Wilson

Intro C

Everything is Fwonderful, GBeing here is Am7heavenlyAm
Every single Fday, she says, GEverything is Am7freeAm
I used to be so Fcareless, GAs if I couldn't care Am7lessAm
Did I have to Fmake mistakes, When GI was Mary's CprayerCsus4.C

Suddenly the Fheavens rolled, GSuddenly the rain Am7came downAm
Suddenly was Fwashed away, The GMary that I Am7knewAm
So when you find Dmsomebody you'll Bbkeep, Think of me and Am7celebrateAm
I made such a Fbig mistake, GWhen I was Mary's CPrayerCsus4.C

So if I say Fsave Gme Emsave Amme, FBe the light in my Ceyes
And if I say Ften GHail EmMa-Amry's, FLeave a light on in Bbheaven, for me.

Blessed is the Fone who shares, GThe power and your Am7beauty, MaryAm
Blessed is the Fmillionaire, GWho shares your wedding Am7dayAm
So when you Dmfind somebody you'll Bbkeep, Think of me and Am7celebrateAm
I made such a Fbig mistake, GWhen I was Mary's CPrayer.Csus4C


If you want the Ffruit to fall, GYou have to give the Am7tree a shakeAm
But if you shake the Ftree too hard, GThe bough is gonna Am7breakAm
And if I can't Dmreach the top of the Bbtree, Mary you can hold Am7me up thereAm
What I wouldn’t Fgive to beG when I was Mary’sC Prayer.Csus4      C    x2

              Added by Rodger, Bangor Ukes Jun 2024

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G Am7 2 Am 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 Em