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Nickel Song [C]Melanie Safka

CWell, you know that I'm not a gambler
FBut I'm being gambled on
They put in a Cnickel and I Gsing a little Csong
CDa, da, da, da, de, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, de, da..
FDa, da, da, da, de, da, da, daa
They put in a Cnickel and I Gsing a little Csong

CWell, I don't mind that they're lucky
But it Fseems that they always win
And Cgamblin' is illegal in the Gstate of mind I'm Cin
CAnd if I had a nickel for each Ftime that I've been put on
I would be the Cnickel man and I'd Gsing a nickel Csong.

They're Fonly putting in a Cnickel and they Gwant a dollar Csong
You know, Fthey're only putting in a Cnickel and they Gwant a dollar Csong.

CWell, you know, I don't know so many things
But I Fknow what's been goin' on
We're only putting in a Clittle to get Frid of a lot that's Cwrong
CAnd if we had a nickel for each Ftime that we've been put on
We'd all be the Cnickel men and we'd Gsing a nickel Csong

Chorus 2
You know, we're Fonly putting in a Clittle to get Grid of a lot that’s Cwrong
Oh, Lord, we’re Fonly putting in a Clittle to get Grid of a lot that’s Cwrong.

CWell, you know that I'm not a gambler
FBut I'm being gambled on
They put in a Cnickel and I Dsing a little Csong
CDa, da, da, da, de, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, de, da..
FDa, da, da, da, de, da, da, daa
They put in a Cnickel and I Gsing a little Csong

You know, they’re Fonly putting in a Cnickel and they Gwant a dollar Csong
They’re Fonly putting in a Cnickel and they Gwant a dollar Csong

You know, we’re Fonly putting in a Clittle to get Grid..
Of a lot that’s Cwrong.FGC

                    Added by Rodger, Bangor Ukes Jun 2024

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D