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She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes [C]Alternative

Verse 1
She'll be C coming round the G mountain when she C comes
She'll be coming round the mountain when she G comes
She'll be C coming round the C7 mountain, f coming round the mountain
She'll be G coming round the mountain,
C coming round the G7 mountain when she C comes

C Singing “Aye Aye G7Yippee Yippee CAye”,
Singing “Aye Aye Yippee Yippee G7Aye”,
Singing’ C “Aye Aye C7Yippee, F Aye Aye Yippee”,
C “Aye Aye G7 Yippee Yippee C Aye”.

Verse 2
C She'll be driving six white G7 horses when she comes
She'll be driving six white horses when she G7 comes
She'll be C driving six white C7 horses, F driving six white horses,
C Driving six white G7 horses when she C comes

Verse 3
C She'll be wearing red pa-G7jamas when she C comes
She'll be wearing red pajamas when she G7 comes
She'll be C wearing red pa-C7jamas, F wearing red pajamas
C She'll be wearing red pa-G7jamas when she C comes

Verse 4
She'll be C coming round the G mountain when she C comes
She'll be coming round the mountain when she G comes
She'll be C coming round the C7 mountain, F coming round the mountain
She'll be G coming round the mountain,
C coming round the G mountain when she C comes


3 C 1 2 3 G 1 C7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F