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Bittersweet Symphony [D]The Verve


D C Gsus4 G x8

'Cause it's a DbitterCsweet Gsus4symphony, Gthat's DlifeCGsus4G
Tryna Dmake ends Cmeet, you're a Gsus4slave to Gmoney then you DdieCGsus4G
I'll take you Ddown the Conly Gsus4road I've Gever been DdownCGsus4G
You know the Done that Ctakes you to the Gsus4places where Gall the Dveins meet, yeahCGsus4G

DNo change, I can Cchange, I can Gsus4change, I can Gchange
But I'mD here in myC mould I amGsus4 here in myG mould,
I'm a Dmillion different Cpeople from Gsus4one day to the Gnext
I can't Dchange my mould, Cno, no, Gsus4no, no, Gno
Have you ever been down ?

Well, I've Dnever Cprayed but Gsus4tonight I'm on my Gknees, DyeahCGsus4G
I need to Dhear some Csounds that Gsus4recognize the pain in Gme, DyeahCGsus4G
I let the Dmelody Cshine, let it Gsus4cleanse my Gmind, I feel Dfree nowCGsus4G
But the Dairwaves are Cclean and Gsus4there's nobody Gsingin' to Dme nowCGsus4G


DI can't Cchange, Gsus4oh, noG
DI can't Cchange, Gsus4ohG

'Cause it's a DbitterCsweet Gsus4symphony, Gthat's DlifeCGsus4G
Tryna Dmake ends Cmeet, tryna Gsus4find someGbody then you DdieCGsus4G
I'll take you Ddown the Conly Gsus4road I've Gever been DdownCGsus4G
You know the Done that Ctakes you to the Gsus4places where Gall the veins Dmeet, yeahCGsus4G


I can't Dchange my mould, Cno, no, Gsus4no, no, Gno,
I can't Dchange my mould,C no, no,Gsus4 no, noG
It's just sex and violence, melody and silence x2

I'll take you Ddown the Conly Gsus4road I've Gever been DdownCGsus4G
I'll take you Ddown the Conly Gsus4road I've Gever been DdownCGsus4G

Repeat D C Gsus4 G to fade
Been down
Ever been down
Ever been down
Ever been down
Ever been down
Have you ever been down?
Have you ever been down?
Have you ever been down?

NB When playing chords, picking alternately G & C strings, then E & A works well.

Added by Rodger, Bangor Ukes Jun 2024

1 1 1 D 3 C 1 3 4 Gsus4 1 2 3 G