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The Boston Rose [C]Whistling Donkeys

Now the GAutumn Dleaves are Gfalling and the Ctourists Dhave all Ggone
And the Cchildren they have Gall gone back to Dschool
And my Glife Dis as it Gwas before
CI work Deight hours Ga day but Cthe company's still Gmaking all the Drules

There's Ca girl Din MassacGhusetts Csouth of DBoston town she Gsaid
And her Clovely face is Gwith me all the Dday
Sure I Gmet her Ddown in Gold Tralee , golden Chair up-D-on her Ghead
And I took her heart and Dshe stole mine a-G-way

GGoodbye my DBoston Gbeauty fare-C-well my Bos-D-ton Grose
I'll Cwait for you I'll Gthink of you no Cthreat to you I'll Dpose
Good-G-bye my DBoston Gbeauty fare-C-well my Bos-D-ton Grose
I Cwish that you were Ghere but I know Dthats the way life G goesGCG

There's a Gsong we Dsang all Gsummer in the Cbars of DDublin Gtown
I can Chear it on the Gfactory rad-D-io
And the Gfeelings D I remem-G-ber when IC hear that Dsimple Gtune
Make me Cwonder if it Greally happened Dso
For we Claughed and Dloved to-G-gether 'till the Csummer Ddays were Ggone
And she Chad to fly Gacross the ocean Dwide

Well, Ggoodbye my DBoston Gbeauty
Un-C-til we Dmeet a-G-gain
And I'll keep the fire Dburning deep in-G-sideGCG

GGoodbye my DBoston Gbeauty fare-C-well my Bos-D-ton Grose
I'll Cwait for you I'll Gthink of you no Cthreat to you I'll Dpose
Good-G-bye my DBoston Gbeauty fare-C-well my Bos-D-ton Grose
I Cwish that you were Ghere but I know Dthats the way life G goesGCG

Sad Verse
And some Gnights Dwhen im Gdrinking and my Cfriends have Dgathered 'Ground
And Cjust for fun some-G-one brings up your Dname
Well I Gsmile there Dwith the Grest of them but CI cant Dhear a Gsound
I love Cyou but to Gthem it's all the Dsame
At Cnights when im a-G-lone my love Cyou come in-D-to my Gmind
And Cvisions flash up-G-on the Emerald DIsle
Well I Gwatch the Dmoon there up Gabove and I'll Cleave this Dearth be-G-hind
And I'll call to you as DI go sailing GbyGCG

GGoodbye my DBoston Gbeauty fare-C-well my Bos-D-ton Grose
I'll Cwait for you I'll Gthink of you no Cthreat to you I'll Dpose
Good-G-bye my DBoston Gbeauty fare-C-well my Bos-D-ton Grose
I Cwish that you were Ghere but I know Dthats the way life G goesGCG

CI wish that you were Ghere
So fareDwell my Boston GRoseGCG

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