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Nobody Knows You When You Are Down and Out [C]Bessie Smith

The Lavabirds Arrangement

COnce I lived the E7life of a A7millionaire,

DmSpent all my A7money, I Dmjust didn't care.

FTook all my B7friends out Cfor a good time,

D7Bought bootleg liquor, champagne andG7 wine.


CThen I begE7an to A7fall so low,

DmLost all my goA7od friends, had Dmnowhere to go.

If I Fget my B7hands on a Cdollar again,

D7I'm gonna hold on to it till that old G7eagle grins.


Vocal arrange phrase

'Cause CnoE7bodyA7 knows you

DmWhen you're A7down and Dmout.

FIn my B7pocket, Cnot one penny,

D7And G7as for your friends, you don't have any.


CWhen you E7get back on your A7feet again,

DmEverybody waA7nts to be your Dmold long-lost friend.

FIt's mighty B7strange, Cwithout a doubt,

D7Nobody knows you when you're G7down and Cout.

A7I mD7ean when you’re G7down and Cout.

3 C 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 B7 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7