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Sing me an Old Fashioned Song [C]Billy Jo Spears

Intro GCDG

G Sing me GGG sing me an old fashioned song
D Bri-ing me back in my mind to a time where my D7 memories all come G from GG7G7
C good timin' song the kind that makes you want to sing G along GGG
D good ole fashioned, hand clappin', knee slappin', D7 foot tappin' G song G

Shoo fly don't bother D7 me shoo fly don't bother G me  
Shoo fly don't bother D7 me I don't want your compaGny  
Flies in the buttermilk two by two D7 flies in the buttermilk shoo fly shoo
G Flies in the buttermilk skip to my lou D7 skip to my lou my 
G darlin'GE7E7

A Sing me    [A si-ng A me-e]      sing me an old fashioned song
E Bri-ing me    [E bri-ing  E me-e]      back in my mind to a
time where my E7 memories all come A from A A7 A7
D good timin' song, the kind that makes you want to sing aAlong AAA
E good ole fashioned, hand clappin', knee slappin', E7 foot tappin' A song  AAA

When A I was young I E used to wait upon my master and A bring his plate
A Pass the bottle when D he was dry and E7 brush away the  A blue-tail fly
Jimmy cracked corn and E I don't care E7 Jimmy cracked corn and A I don't care
A Jimmy cracked corn and D I don't care the E master's E7 gone aAway AD7D7

G Sing me      [Gsi-ng Gme-e]      sing me an old fashioned song
D Bri-ing me Dbri-ng D7me-e]    back in my mind to a
time where my D7 memories all come G from GG7G7
C good timin' song the kind that makes you want to sing G along GGG
D good ole fashioned, hand clappin', knee slappin', D7 foot tappin' G song GE7E7

A Sing me    [A si-ng A me-e]      sing me an old fashioned song
E Bri-ing me    [E bri-ing  E me-e]      back in my mind to a
time where my E7 memories all come A from A A7 A7
D good timin' song, the kind that makes you want to sing aAlong AAA
E good ole fashioned, hand clappin', knee slappin', E7 foot tappin' A song  AAA

E good ole fashioned, hand clappin' knee slappin' E7 foot tappin' A song AA  A*E7*A*

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 E7 1 2 A 1 2 E 1 A7