Fare Cthee well to you, my Fown true Clove,
I am sailing far far a-G-way
I am Cbound for Cali-F-for-C-nia,
and I know, that I'll re-G-turn some Cday.
So Gfare the well, my Fown true Clove,
and when I return united we will Gbe.
It's not the Cleaving of Liverpool that, Fgrieves Cme,
but my darling when I Gthink of Cthee.
I will sail, on a yankee sail-F-ing Cship,
Davy Crockett is her Gname.
And CBurgess is the cap-F-tain of Cher,
and they say that she's a Gfloating Cshame.
So Gfare thee well, my Fown true Clove,
and when I return united we will Gbe.
It's not the Cleaving of Liverpool that, FgrievesC me,
but my darling when I Gthink of Cthee.
I have sailed with Burgess Fonce be-C-fore,
he's a man I know right Gwell,
If a Cman's a sailor he will Fget a-C-long,
if he's not then he's Gsure in CHell.
So Gfare thee well, my Fown true Clove,
and when I return united we will Gbe.
It's not the Cleaving of Liverpool that, Fgrieves Cme,
but my darling when I Gthink of Cthee.
Now the Csun is on the Fharbor, Clove,
and I wish I could re-G-main,
for I Cknow it will be a Flong long Ctime
till I Gsee, you a-C-gain.
So Gfare thee well, my Fown true Clove,
and when I return united we will Gbe.
It's not the Cleaving of Liverpool that, Fgrieves Cme,
but my darling when I Gthink of Cthee
So Gfare the well, my Fown true Clove,
and when I return united we will Gbe.
It's not the Cleaving of Liverpool that, Fgrieves Cme,
but my darling when I Gthink of Cthee.
Slowing Down
but my darling when I G* think of C* thee.