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I'd like to teach the world to Play [C]Unknown

I'dC like to teach the world to sing
In D7perfect harmony
I'd G7like to hold it in my arms
And Fkeep it compaCnyG7

I'Cd like to see the world for once
All D7standing hand in hand
And G7hear them echo through the hills
For Fpeace throughout the ClandG7

I’d C like to build the world a home and
D7 furnish it with love
Grow G7 apple trees and honey bees and
F snow-white turtle C doves. G7

Ukulele Verse
We’d C like to teach the world to play
The D7 uk-u-l-e-le
To G7 harmonize with everyone and
F Fill the world with C glee G7

We'd C like to teach the world to play
in D7 perfect harmony
We’ll G7 strum some chords and sing some songs and
F Have an awesome C day. G7 C-strum

3 C 1 2 D7 1 2 3 G7 1 2 F