G G Am D
GI was all but 22 I think at the time
AmI'd been out on the road lonely at
And it'd been a while hDeh so it was
on my mindGD
Well, GI saw him walk in with his
cowboy hat
AmAnd I thought to myself I could use
some of that
HCis boots like glass on a sawdust
floor huh
HDad moves like nothin' I'd ever seen
GSo I walked right up I pulled him to
the side
AmI handed that man a beer and looked
him in the eyesC
And I said "Baby, I think you're
gonna wanna hDear this"
Than I told him
ExcGuse me
You look like you lAmove me
You look like you wCant me
To wDant you to come on hGome
DAnd baby I don’t bGlame you
For looking me up and down acrAmoss
this room
I’m drunk and I’m ready to lCeave
And yDou look like you lGove me
WGell I was down at the local beer
joint with a few of the guys
AmWhen this cute little country girl
caught my eyeAmC
And boy let me tell you she was the
prettiest thing
I'd ever seen in a pDair of boots
GWell she walked right up to me,
handed me a beer
Am Gave me a look like, lets get outta
CAnd that's when I realized that she
Every cowboy's dream come tDrue
She told me right here
She said
ExcGuse me
You look like you lAmove me
You look like you wCant me
To wDant you to come on hGome
DAnd baby I don’t bGlame you
For looking me up and down acrAmoss
this room
I’m drunk and I’m ready to lCeave
And yDou look like you lGove me
Alright now
G G Am Am C D G G
AmSo if you ever see a man in a cowboy
ACnd you think to yourself I could
use some of that
AmDon't waste your time just give them
this here lineD
Goes a little like this
ExcGuse me
You look like you lAmove me
You look like you wCant me
To wDant you to come on hGome
DAnd baby I don’t bGlame you
For looking me up and down acrAmoss
this room
I’m drunk and I’m ready to lCeave
And yDou look like you lGove me
I’m drunk and I’m ready to lAmeave
And yDou look like you love meG