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Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears [C]Whistling Doneys

Verse 1
On the Cfirst day of GJanuary,Am eighteen ninety-two,
they Fopened Ellis DmIsland and they Flet the people Gthrough.
And the Cfirst to cross the Gthreshold, of that Amisle of hope and tears,
was FAnnie Moore from DmIreland, who was Fall of fifteen Gyears.G7

Isle of Fhope, isle of Gtears, isle of Cfreedom, isle of Amfears,
but it's Fnot the isle you leave be-G-hind
That isle of Fhunger, isle of Gpain, isle you'll Cnever see a-Am-gain,
but the Fisle of home is Galways on your Fmind.C

Verse 2
In a Clittle bag she Gcarried, all her Ampast and history,
and her Fdreams for the Dmfuture, in the Fland of liber-G-ty.
And Ccourage is the Gpassport, when your Amold world disappears,
but there'sF no future Dmin the past, Fwhen you're fifteen Gyears.G7

Isle of Fhope, isle of Gtears, isle of Cfreedom, isle of Amfears,
but it's Fnot the isle you leave be-G-hind
That isle of Fhunger, isle of Gpain, isle you'll Cnever see a-Am-gain,
but the Fisle of home is Galways on your Fmind.C
  C    G    Am
  F    Dm  F      G
  C    G    Am
  F    Dm  F      G  G7

Verse 3
When they Cclosed down Ellis GIsland, in Am1943,
sev-F-enteen million Dmpeople had come Fthere for sanct-G-uary.
And Cin the springtime Gwhen I came here, and I Amstepped onto its piers,
I Fthought of how it Dmmust have been, Fwhen you're fifteen GyearsG7.

Isle of Fhope, isle of Gtears, isle of Cfreedom, isle of Amfears,
but it's Fnot the isle you leave be-G-hind
That isle of Fhunger, isle of Gpain, isle you'll Cnever see a-Am-gain,
but the Fisle of home is Galways on your Fmind.C

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7