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Every Rose Has Its Thorn [D]Poison


DWe both lie silently still in the Gdead of the night,
Although we Dboth lie close together, we feel Gmiles apart inside.
Was it Dsomething I said or Gsomething I did?
Did my Dwords not come out Gright?
Though I Atried not to hurt you, though GI tried, But I guess that's why they say

DEvery rose has its Gthorn,
Just like Devery night has its Gdawn,
Just like Devery Acowboy sings his Gsad, sad Dsong,
Every rose has its Gthorn.DGDG

DI listen to our favourite song playin’ on the Gradio,
Hear the DDJ say love’s a game of easy come and Geasy go.
But I Dwonder does Ghe know
Has he Dever felt like Gthis?
And I know Athat you’d be here right now if I
G Could’ve let you know somehow, I guess


Bm7Though it's been a Awhile now, I canGstill feel so muchDpain,
Bm7Like the knife that Acuts you, the wound heals,
G But the scar, that scar remains. D G D G

DI know I could’ve saved our love that night if I’d
GKnown what to say.
DInstead of makin’ love, we both Gmade our separate ways.
And now I Dhear you found Gsomebody new,

And that DI never meant that Gmuch to you;
ToA hear that tears me up inside and
To Gsee you cut’s me like a knife. I guess


1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 1 1 1 Bm7