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Gypsy [D]Fleetwood Mac

D Bm D

DSo I'm back, to the velvet Bmunderground
GBack to the Afloor,G that I Alove
DTo a room with Bmsome lace and Apaper Gflowers
Back to the BmgypsyG that I Awas
To the Bmgypsy..A. that I Dwas

D And it Bmall comes down to Dyou
Well, you Bmknow that it Ddoes
And lightGning Astrikes, maybe Gonce, maybe Atwice
Doh, and it lights up the Bmnight
DAnd you see your Bmgypsy
DYou see your Bmgypsy

D Bm D

To the Bmgypsy that reAmains faces Dfreedom with a little Gfear
I have no Bmfear, I have only Alove
And if I Dwas a child
And the child Gwas enough
Enough for Bmme to love
Enough to Alove

D She is Bmdancing aDway  from you BmnowG
She was just a AwishG
She was just a Awish
And a Dmemory is Bmall  D that is left for you Bmnow
DAnd you see your Bmgypsy ohD
You see your Bmgypsy

D Bm . . .

And Bmlightning Astrikes, maybe Gonce, maybe Atwice
And it Bmall comes down to Ayou
And it Gall comes down to Bmyou
And Bmlightning Astrikes, maybe Gonce, maybe Atwice
And it Bmall comes down to Ayou

I still see your Gbright eyes, Abright Geyes
And it Bmall comes down to Ayou
                        And it all comes down to you

Outro SOLO

F | Fmaj7 | F6 | F |
Bbmaj7 | C | Bbmaj7 |

1 1 1 D 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 1 2 A