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Song for Whoever [D]The beautiful south

D  Em  C  D

DI love you Emfrom the bottom, Cof my pencil Dcase
DI love you Emin the songs I Cwrite and Dsing
DLove you beEmcause you Cput me in my rightful Dplace
BmAnd I love the EmPRS cheques, Cthat you Dbring
GCheap, never Dcheap, I'll Amsing you songs till Dyou're asleep
DWhen you've gone upsEmtairs I'll creep and Cwrite it all Ddown, down,
down, down

Oh GShirley, Oh EmDeborah, Oh CJulie, Oh DJane
DI wrote so many Emsongs about you CI forget your Dname I forget your

GJennifer, Alison, EmPhillipa, Sue, CDeborah, Annabel, Dtoo I forget your

GJennifer, Alison, EmPhillipa, Sue, CDeborah, Annabel, Dtoo I forget your

DI love your Emfrom the bottom Cof my pencil Dcase
DI love the Emway you neverC ask me Dwhy
DI love to write aEmbout each Cwrinkle on your Dface
BmAnd I love you Emtill my fountainC pen runs Ddry
GDeep so Ddeep, the Amnumber one I Dhope to reap
DDepends upon the Emtears you weep, so Ccry, lover Dcry, cry, cry, cry

Oh GCathy, Oh EmAlison, Oh CPhillipa, Oh DSue
DYou made me Emso much money I Cwrote this song for Dyou I wrote this
song for you

GJennifer, Alison, EmPhillipa, Sue, CDeborah, Annabel, Dtoo I wrote this
song for you

GJennifer, Alison, EmPhillipa, Sue, CDeborah, Annabel, Dtoo I wrote this
song for Bmyou

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 2 Am