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Redneck Paradise [C]Hank Williams Jr

C  C x4

Verse 1
C I like moonshine whiskey. F I like home made C wine
And I don’t look for greener grass. G Home grown suits me just fine
C Welcome to my shanty. F Drop by anytime
C I bet you’ll like my G Redneck ParaCdise

F RedGneck ParaCdise
It’s a F hole in the wall kinda G small
But the people are C real nice
And F folks in here they’s G free and clear
To drink C beer and dance all F night, that’s right
And C no one’s uptight in G Redneck ParaCdise

Verse 2
Now C I might get a little tipsy. F I might be past my C prime
But pour some Jim Beam whiskey. And I’ll G show you a real big time
C You don’t need reservations. F Drop by anytime
C The sun is shinin’ in G Redneck ParaCdise

Bb And the F things we like don’t cost a lot of C money
C  B  Bb Good foot stompin’ F music gets us C by, just fine B
Bb Measure up our F wealth in friends and C family
C  B  We’re Bb gonna hit them F honky tonks toGnight

Down in F RedGneck ParaCdise
It’s a F hole in the wall kinda G small
Just look for the C red light
And F have no fear you’re G free and clear
To get C wild and rock all F night. We don’t bite
Cuz C we get down right in G Redneck ParaCdise

Bb  F  C    B Bb  F  G

Down in F RedGneck ParaCdise
It’s a F hole in the wall kinda G small
But the people are C mighty.
Mighty. mighty, mighty, nice
And F when you’re here you’re G free and clear
To do C what most ever you like, all F night
So C rock on through to G Redneck ParaFdiiiiCiiise  Yee-haw !!

One, C two F One, two
Down in F RedGneck ParaCdise
It’s a F hole in the wall kinda G small
but the people are C real mighty. mighty, mighty nice
And F when you’re here you’re G free and clear
To drink C beer and dance all F night, that’s right
Cuz C no one’s uptight in G Redneck ParaCdise
So C rock on through to G Redneck ParaFdiiiiCiiise

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 B