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Good Year for the Roses [C]George Jones

I can C hardly bear the sight of lipstick
On the F cigarettes there in the C ashtray
C Lyin' cold the way you left 'em,
But at F least your lips caressed them
While you C packed
Or the F lip-print on a half-filled cup of coffee
That you poured and didn't C drink
But at G least you thought you wanted it,
That's so much more than I can say for C me Csus4 C

C What a good year for the F roses
G Many blooms still linger C there
The lawn could stand another Dm mowin'
G Funny I don't even C care Csus4 C
As you turn to walk F away
G As the door behind you F closes C
The only thing I have to Dm say
It's G7 been a good year for the C roses F C G7 C

After C three full years of marriage,
It's the F first time that you haven't made the C bed
C I guess the reason we're not talkin',
There's so F little left to say we haven't C said
While a F million thoughts go racin' through my mind
I find I haven't said a C word
From the G bedroom the familiar sound
Of our baby's cryin' goes un-C-heard Csus4 C

C What a good year for the F roses
G Many blooms still linger C there
The lawn could stand another Dm mowin'
G Funny I don't even C care Csus4 C
As you turn to walk F away
G As the door behind you F closes C
The only thing I have to Dm say
It's G7 been a good year for the C roses F C G7 C

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 3 Csus4 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7