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Homeward Bound [A]Simon & Garfunkel

A I'm sitting in the railway station.
Got a Amaj7 ticket for my destinaA7tion, mmmF#mmm
Bm On a tour of one-night stands my G suitcase and guitar in hand.
And A ev'ry stop is neatly planned for a E7 poet and one-man baAnd.

Homeward D bound, wish I A was, Homeward D bound,
A Home where my Asus4 thought's escaping
A Home where my Asus4 music's playing,
A Home where my Asus4 love lays waiting
E Silently for A me.

A Ev'ry day's an endless stream
Of Amaj7 cigarettes and magaziA7]nes, mmm F#mmm
And Bm each town looks the same to me, the G movies and the factories
And A ev'ry stranger's face I see reE7minds me that I long to be-—Ae,


A Tonight I'll sing my songs again,
I'll Amaj7 play the game and preteA7nd, mmmF#mmm
But Bm all my words come back to me in G shades of mediocrity
Like A emptiness in harmony I E7 need someone to comfort me—Ae.


Amaj7SilentA7ly for Ame.

1 2 A 1 2 Amaj7 1 A7 1 3 2 F# 1 1 1 Bm 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 D 2 3 Asus4 1 2 E