John Lennon
Intro: [C] [F]
[C] Imagine there's no [F]heaven
[C] It's easy if you [F]try [C] No hell be[F]low us
[C] Above us only [F]sky
[F] Imagine [Am]all the peo[Dm]ple [F]
[G]Living for to[G7]day... (a-ahh-ahh)
[C] Imagine there's no [F]countries
[C] It isn't hard to [F]do
[C] Nothing to kill or [F]die for
[C] And no religion [F]too
[F] Imagine [Am]all the peo[Dm]ple [F]
[G]Living life in pe[G7]ace... (you-oo-ooh)
[F] You may [G7]say I'm a [C]dreamer [E7]
[F] But I'm [G7]not the only one [C] [E7]
[F] I hope some [G7]day you'll [C]join us [E7]
[F] And the [G7]world will [C]be as one
[C] Imagine no po[F]ssessions
[C] I wonder if you [F]can
[C] No need for greed or [F]hunger
[C] A brotherhood of [F]man
[F] Imagine [Am]all the peo[Dm]ple [F]
[G]Sharing all the wo[G7]rld... (you-oo-ooh)
[F] You may [G7]say I'm a [C]dreamer [E7]
[F] But I'm [G7]not the only one [C] [E7]
[F] I hope some [G7]day you'll [C]join us [E7]
[F] And the [G7]world will [C]live as one
Imagine [C]John Lennon
C Imagine there's no Fheaven C It's easy if you Ftry C No hell beFlow us C Above us only Fsky
F Imagine Amall the peoDmple F GLiving for toG7day... a-ahh-ahh
C Imagine there's no Fcountries C It isn't hard to Fdo C Nothing to kill or Fdie for C And no religion Ftoo
F Imagine Amall the peoDmple F GLiving life in peG7ace... you-oo-ooh
F You may G7say I'm a Cdreamer E7 F But I'm G7not the only one CE7 F I hope some G7day you'll Cjoin us E7 F And the G7world will Cbe as one
C Imagine no poFssessions C I wonder if you Fcan C No need for greed or Fhunger C A brotherhood of Fman
F Imagine Amall the peoDmple F GSharing all the woG7rld... you-oo-ooh
F You may G7say I'm a Cdreamer E7 F But I'm G7not the only one CE7 F I hope some G7day you'll Cjoin us E7 F And the G7world will Clive as one