Bob Marley
Intro: [Bm7 / / /][E9 /// //][G/ // //] [F#m]
|We're [Bm7]jamming [E9]
|[G] I wanna jam it with [F#m]you, We're [Bm7]jamming [E9] jamming
|And I [G]hope you like jamming [F#m]too
Ain't no [Bm7]rules ain't no [E9]vow, we can [Bm7]do it any[E9]how
And [G]I Jah know will see you [F#m]through
'Cos ev-ery [Bm7]day we pay the [E9]price with a [Bm7]loving sacri[E9]fice
[G]Jamming till the jam is [F#m]through
We're [Bm7]jamming [E9]
To think that [G]jamming was a thing of the [F#m]past
We're [Bm7]jamming [E9]
And I [G]hope this jam is gonna [F#m]last
No [Bm7]bullet can stop us [E9]now, we neither [Bm7]beg nor will we [E9]bow
[G]Neither can be bought nor [F#m]sold
We [Bm7]all defend the [E9]right that the [Bm7]children us [E9]unite
Your [G]life is worth much more than [F#m] gold
We're [Bm7]jamming... jam[E9]ming... jamming... jamming
[G] We're jamming in the name of the [F#m] Lord
We're [Bm7]jamming, jam[E9]ming, jamming, jamming
[G] We're jamming right straight from [F#m]Jah
[Bm7] Holy mount [Em]Zion
[Bm7] Holy mount [Em]Zion
[Bm7] Jah sitteth in [Bm7] Mount Zion
[Bm7] And rules all Cre[Bm7] ation, yeah we're
Chorus: then end on [Bm7]
Jammin’ [Bm]Bob Marley
IntroBm7 / / /E9 /// //G/ // //F#m
Chorus We're Bm7jamming E9 G I wanna jam it with F#myou, We're Bm7jamming E9 jamming And I Ghope you like jamming F#mtoo
Ain't no Bm7rules ain't no E9vow, we can Bm7do it anyE9how And GI Jah know will see you F#mthrough 'Cos ev-ery Bm7day we pay the E9price with a Bm7loving sacriE9fice GJamming till the jam is F#mthrough
We're Bm7jamming E9 To think that Gjamming was a thing of the F#mpast We're Bm7jamming E9 And I Ghope this jam is gonna F#mlast
No Bm7bullet can stop us E9now, we neither Bm7beg nor will we E9bow GNeither can be bought nor F#msold We Bm7all defend the E9right that the Bm7children us E9unite Your Glife is worth much more than F#m gold
We're Bm7jamming... jamE9ming... jamming... jamming G We're jamming in the name of the F#m Lord We're Bm7jamming, jamE9ming, jamming, jamming G We're jamming right straight from F#mJah
Bm7 Holy mount EmZion Bm7 Holy mount EmZion
Bm7 Jah sitteth in Bm7 Mount Zion Bm7 And rules all CreBm7 ation, yeah we're