Let it Go
Intro: [Em] [C] [D] [Asus4-Am] [Em] [C] [D] [Asus4-Am]
The [Em]snow glows white on the [C]mountain tonight
Not a [D]footprint... to be [Asus4-] seen [-Am]
A [Em]kingdom of iso[C]lation... and it [D]looks like... I'm the queen [Asus4-Am]
[Em] The wind is [C]howling like this [D]swirling storm insi[Asus4]ide[Am]
[Em] Couldn't keep it [D]in... Heaven knows I [Asus4] tried [A]
[D] Don't let them in, don't let them see[C]
Be the good girl you always have to be
[D] Conceal, don't feel... don't let them [C]know Well, now they know [*stop]
Let it [G]go... let it [D]go... can't [Em]hold it back any[C]more
Let it [G]go... let it [D]go... turn a[Em]way and slam the [C]door
[G]I don't ca-[D]-re... what they're [Em]going to sa-[C]-ay
Let the [Bm]storm rage [Bb]on.
The [C – single strum] cold never bothered me anyway.
[G] [D] [Em] It's funny how some [C]distance
Makes [D]everything seem [Am]small
And the [Em]fears that once con[D]trolled me... can't [Asus4]get to me at [A]all
[D] It's time to see what I can [C]do
to test the limits and break [D]through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me-[C]-ee
I'm free [*stop]
Let it [G]go... let it [D]go... I am [Em]one with the wind and [C]sky
Let it [G]go, let it [D]go... you'll [Em]never see me [C]cry
[G]Here I [D]stand... and [Em]here I'll [C]stay
Let the [Bm]storm rage [Bb]on [C]
[C] My power flurries through the air into the ground
[C] My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
[D] And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
[Em] I'm never [C]going back... the [D]past is in the [Am]past [C] [*stop]
Let it [G]go... let it [D]go... and I'll [Em]rise like the break of [C]dawn.
Let it [G]go... let it [D]go... that [Em]perfect girl is [C]gone
[G]Here I [D]stand... in the [Em]light of [C]day [Cm]
Let the [Bm]storm rage [Bb]o-o-on [Bb]
The [C – single strum] cold never bothered me anyway
Let it Go [Em]Frozen
The Emsnow glows white on the Cmountain tonight Not a Dfootprint... to be Asus4- seen -Am A Emkingdom of isoClation... and it Dlooks like... I'm the queen Asus4-Am Em The wind is Chowling like this Dswirling storm insiAsus4ideAm Em Couldn't keep it Din... Heaven knows I Asus4 tried A
D Don't let them in, don't let them seeC Be the good girl you always have to be D Conceal, don't feel... don't let them Cknow Well, now they know *stop
Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... can't Emhold it back anyCmore Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... turn aEmway and slam the Cdoor GI don't ca-D-re... what they're Emgoing to sa-C-ay Let the Bmstorm rage Bbon. The C – single strum cold never bothered me anyway.
GDEm It's funny how some Cdistance Makes Deverything seem Amsmall And the Emfears that once conDtrolled me... can't Asus4get to me at Aall D It's time to see what I can Cdo to test the limits and break Dthrough No right, no wrong, no rules for me-C-ee I'm free *stop
Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... I am Emone with the wind and Csky Let it Ggo, let it Dgo... you'll Emnever see me Ccry GHere I Dstand... and Emhere I'll Cstay Let the Bmstorm rage Bbon C
C My power flurries through the air into the ground C My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around D And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast Em I'm never Cgoing back... the Dpast is in the Ampast C*stop
Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... and I'll Emrise like the break of Cdawn. Let it Ggo... let it Dgo... that Emperfect girl is Cgone GHere I Dstand... in the Emlight of Cday Cm
Let the Bmstorm rage Bbo-o-on Bb The C – single strum cold never bothered me anyway