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Little Old Wine Drinker Me [C]Dean Martin


Verse 1
I'm C praying for F rain in CaliCfornia
So the grapes will grow and they can make more G wine G7
And I'm C sitting in a F honky in ChicCago
With a broken heart and a G7 woman on my C mind F C

I ask the G man behind the bar for the C jukebox
And the music takes me back to TennesGsee G7
When they C ask who's the F fool in the C corner F crying
I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me G7

Verse 2
I C got here last F week from down in NashCville
'Cos my baby left for Florida on a G train G7
I said C I'd get a F job and just forget C her
But in Chicago a broken G7 heart is just the C same F C

I ask the G man behind the bar for the C jukebox
And the music takes me back to TennesGsee G7
When they C ask who's the F fool in the C corner F crying
I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me G7

Instrumental verse chords
C F C    C C C    G G7
C F C    C C C    G7 C F C

I ask the G man behind the bar for the C jukebox
And the music takes me back to TennesGsee G7
When they C ask who's the F fool in the C corner F crying
I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me C

I say C* C* little old G wine drinker C me


3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7