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Look of Love [F]ABC

F G Am F G Am

When your F world is full of G strange Em arrangements
F And F gravity won't G pull you Em through F
F You know you're missing G out on Em something F
F Well that something G depends on Emyou F

F All I'm G sayin’ Em It takes a F lot to love you
F All I'm G doing Em You know F it's true
F All I G mean now There's Em one thing yes F one thing
F that turns this G grey Emsky to F blue

F That's the G look, that's Am the look The look of G F love
F That's the G look, that's Am the look The look of G F love
F That's the G look, that's Am the look The look of G
F Luuuhh. G Huuuuu. Am Look G of Am love

When your F girl has left you G out on the Em pavement. goodFbye
Then your F dreams fall G apart at the Em seams F
Your F reason for G living's your Emreason for F leaving
F Don't ask G me Emwhat it Fmeans

Who got the look? F I don't G know the answer Em to that F question
Where's the look? F If I G knew I would Em tell you F
What's the look? F Look for G your inform-Em-ation F
Yes there's F one thing, the G one thing that Em still holds F true What's that?

Am G Em F
Am G Em Am Whoa Whoa Whoa


F If you judge a G book by the Em cover F
F Then you judge the G look by the Em lover F
F I hope you'll G soon re-Em-cover F
F Me I go from Gone ex-Em-treme to an-F-other

F That's the G look, that's Am the look sisters and brothers G
F That's the G look, that's Am the look should help each other G
F That's the G look, that's Am the look Whooo oooh hoo G
F G Am heavens above G
F That's the G look, that's Am the look Hip hip hooray ay G
F That's the G look, that's Am the look Yippie ai yippee aiay G
F That's the G look, that's Am the look Be lucky in G
F Luuuhh. G Huuuuu. Am Look G of Am love

1 2 F 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Em