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Makin' Whoopee [C]Louis Armstrong

Another C bride, Am7 another Dm7 June G7
Another C sunny C7 honeyF moon Fm
Another C season, Am7 another Dm7 reason G7
For makin' C whoopee CdimDm7 G7

You get some C shoes, Am7 a little Dm7 rice G7
The groom's so C nervous C7 he answers F twice Fm
It's really C thrillin' Am7 that he's so Dm7 willin' G7
For makin' C whoopee F Fm7 C

C7 Picture a little Dm love nest
Dm7 Down where the roses C cling
C7 Picture that same Dm love nest
And Dm7 see what a year will G7 bring

He's doin' C dishes Am7 and baby Dm7 clothes G7
He's so ambiCtious, C7 he even Fsews Fm
Just don't forC get, folks, Am7 that's what you Dm7 get, folks,
G7 For makin' C whoopee CdimDm7 G7

Another Cyear Am7 or maybe Dm7 less G7
What's this I Chear? C7 Well, can't you F guess? Fm
She feels neglected and he's suspected G7
Of makin' C whoopee CdimDm7 G7

She sits aClone Am7 'most everyDm7night G7
He doesn't C phone her, C7 he doesn't F write Fm
He says he's C "busy" Am7 but she says Dm7 "is he?"G7
He's makin' C whoopee F Fm7 C

C7 He doesn't make much Dm money
Dm7 Only a five-thousand C per
C7 Some judge who thinks he's Dmfunny
Dm7 Told him he got to pay six to G7her

He says, "Now C judge, Am7 suppose I Dm7 fail." G7
The judge says, "C Budge C7 right into F jail! Fm
You'd better C keep her Am7 I think it's Dm7 cheaperG7
Than makin' C whoopee “ F Fm7 C

3 C Am7 1 2 3 4 Dm7 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 F 1 2 3 Fm × 2 1 3 Cdim 1 1 1 1 3 4 Fm7 1 2 3 Dm