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Mr Moon [C]Kate Micucci

Intro C Dm F G

COne day... Dm the Fmoon got Gtired of
CBeing... Dm Fup in the Csky
He Cwandered... Dm Fdown through the Gstarlight
And Clanded... Dm on the FoceanCside

And he Dmsmiled while... he Gjumped in the Cwater
And Dmlaughed about... as he Gdanced in the Csand

He Dmput on... his Gswim trunks and Csnorkel
And Dmguess what... GMr. Moon Cswam
Dm Dm F G

Did I C tell you... Dm that Fmoonbeams are Gheavy
And Ctherefore... Dm FMr Moon Csank

He Cfell Dmdown... through the Fseawalls of Gseaweed
And Clanded... Dm at the Fbottom of a Ctank

And he Dmsat there... with the Gstarfish and Cjellyfish
And Dmlaughed about... the Gsharks and the Cwhales
They Dmdrank lots... of GMiller Lights and CHeinekens
And Dmlaughed about... Gall of their Ctales

COh, DmMr FMoon G
C The Dmstars are shining Ffor Gyou
CIn the Dmnight Fsky G
Please come Chome Dm F G

COh, DmMr FMoon G
C The Dmsun is shining Ffor Gyou
CUntil it Dmgoes aFway
And Gthen it's Cdark Dm F
And Gthen it's Cdark Dm F
And Gthen it's C dark

3 C 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G