My Perfect Cousin
The Undertones
A E7 A E7
Verse 1:
Now [A] I've got a cousin called [E7] Kevin,
He's [A] sure to go to [E7] Heaven,
[G] always spotless, [D] clean and neat,
as [G] smooth as you'll [D] get 'em.
[A] Got a fur lined sheepskin [E7] jacket,
My [A] ma says they cost a [E7] packet,
but [G] she won't even let [D] me explain,
that [G] me and Kevin, we're [D] just not the same
|Oh, [A] my perfect [E7] cousin,
|what I [A] like to do he [E7] doesn't,
|[A] He's his family's [D] pride and joy,
|his [Db] mother's little golden [E7] boy. [E7]
Verse 2:
[A] A degree in eco[E7] nomics,
[A] maths, physics and bi[E7]onics,
He [G] thinks that I'm a [D] cyabbage,
`cos [G] I hate "University [D] Challenge",
[A] Even at the age of [E7] ten,
[A] Smart boy Kevin was a smart boy [E7] then,
He [G] always beat me at "Sub[D]buteo",
`Cos [G] he flicked to kick, and I [D] didn't know.
Verse 3:
His [A] mother bought a synthe[E7]sizer,
got the [A] Human League in to ad[E7]vise her,
[G] Now he's making [D] lots of noise,
[G] playing along with the [D] Art school boys,
[A] Girls try to attract his at[E7]tention,
[A] what a shame, it's in vain, [E7] total rejection,
[G] he will never be [D] left on the shelf
'cos [G] Kevin, he's in [D] love with himself.
|Chorus: x2
|Oh, [A] my perfect [E7] cousin,
|what I [A] like to do he [E7] doesn't,
|[A] He's his family's [D] pride and joy,
|his [Db] mother's little golden [E7] boy. [E7]
[A - Single Strum]
My Perfect Cousin [A]The Undertones
Intro AE7AE7
Verse 1 Now A I've got a cousin called E7 Kevin, He's A sure to go to E7 Heaven, G always spotless, D clean and neat, as G smooth as you'll D get 'em. A Got a fur lined sheepskin E7 jacket, My A ma says they cost a E7 packet, but G she won't even let D me explain, that G me and Kevin, we're D just not the same
Chorus Oh, A my perfect E7 cousin, what I A like to do he E7 doesn't, A He's his family's D pride and joy, his Db mother's little golden E7 boy. E7
Verse 2 A A degree in ecoE7 nomics, A maths, physics and biE7onics, He G thinks that I'm a D cyabbage, `cos G I hate "University D Challenge", A Even at the age of E7 ten, A Smart boy Kevin was a smart boy E7 then, He G always beat me at "SubDbuteo", `Cos G he flicked to kick, and I D didn't know.
Verse 3 His A mother bought a syntheE7sizer, got the A Human League in to adE7vise her, G Now he's making D lots of noise, G playing along with the D Art school boys, A Girls try to attract his atE7tention, A what a shame, it's in vain, E7 total rejection, G he will never be D left on the shelf 'cos G Kevin, he's in D love with himself.
Chorusx2 Oh, A my perfect E7 cousin, what I A like to do he E7 doesn't, A He's his family's D pride and joy, his Db mother's little golden E7 boy. E7