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Oom-Pah-Pah [D]

Lionel Bart

DThere’s a little ditty, they’re Esingin’ in the city
EsApecially when they’ve been on the E7gin or the A7beer
DIf you’ve got the patience, your Eown imaginations should
ATell you just exE7actly what Dyou want A7to Dhear

DOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Ethat’s how it goes
AOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Deveryone A7knows
DThey all suppose what they E7want to suppose
AWhen they hear A7oom pah-Dpah

DMister Percy Snodgrass would Eoften have the odd glass
EsApecially when he thought noE7body could A7see
DSecretly he’d buy it, and Edrink it on the quiet
And Adream he was an E7earl with a Dgirl on A7each Dknee

DOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Ethat’s how it goes
AOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Deveryone A7knows
DWhat is the cause of his E7red shiny nose?
ACould it be A7oom pah-Dpah?

DPretty little Sally, goes Ewalkin’ down the alley,
DisAplays her pretty ankles to E7all of the A7men
DThey could see her garters, but Enot for free and gratis
An Ainch or two, and E7then she knows Dwhen to A7say Dwhen

DOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Ethat’s how it goes
AOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Deveryone A7knows
DWhether it’s hidden or E7whether it shows
AIt’s the same A7oom pah-Dpah

*key change
EbShe was from the country, but Fnow she’s up a gum-tree.
She Bblet a fella feed her, and F7lead her aBb7 long
EbWhat’s the good of cryin’, she Fmade a bed to lie in
She’s Bbglad to bring a F7coin in, and Ebjoin in Bb7 this Ebsong

EbOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Fthat’s how it goes
BbOom-pah-pah, oom-pah-pah, Ebeveryone Bb7 knows
EbThey all suppose what they F7want to suppose
*slow down BbWhen they hear Bb7 oom pah-Ebpah

1 1 1 D 1 2 E 1 2 A 1 2 3 E7 1 A7 1 1 1 Eb 1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 3 4 F7 1 1 1 1 2 Bb7