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Pennies From Heaven [C]Louis Prima

C Ev'ry time it D7 rains, it rains
F Pennies from heaG7ven. F G7
C Don't you know each D7 cloud contains
F Pennies from heaG7ven? F G7

C7 You'll find your fortune falling F all over A7 town
D7 Be sure that your umbrella G7 is upside down G7

C Trade them for a D7 package of
F Sunshine and floG7wers F G7
C If you want the C9 things you love,
F You must have showers.

Dm So when you Fm hear it thunder,
C don't run under a A9 tree
There'll be Dm pennies from D7 heaven
for G7 you and C me


Repeat from beginning


3 C 1 2 D7 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 A7 1 2 C9 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 Fm 1 3 A9 × 2 1 3 Cdim