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Angel of the morning [G]Juice Newton

GThere'll be no Cstrings to bind your Dhands
Not if my Clove can't bind your GheartC. D C
GAnd there's no Cneed to take a Dstand
for it was C I who chose to G start. C. D
C* G*
AmI see no Cneed to take me Dhome,
AmI'm old eCnough to face the Ddawn.

GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CbaDby.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Am*then slowly turn aCway from Gme.

GMaybe the Csun's light will be Ddim
and it won't Cmatter anyGhowC. D C
GIf morning's Cecho says we’ve Dsinned,
Well, it was Cwhat I wanted Gnow. C. D
C* G*
AmAnd if we're the Cvictims of the Dnight,
AmI won't be Cblinded by the Dlight.

GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CbaDby.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Am*then slowly turn aCway
AmI won't beg you to C stay with Gme

G/// C///
G/// C///

CBa a a Dby
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CdarDlin.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, CbaDby.
GJust call me Cangel of the Dmorning CAnDgel
Gjust touch my Ccheek before you Dleave me, Cda-D-arG lin C. D
C* D* G*

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D 2 Am