Skye Boat Song
[G] Speed bonnie [Em] boat like a [Am] bird on the [D] wing
[G] Onward the [C] sailors [G] cry. [D]
[G] Carry the [Em] lad that's [Am] born to be [D]king
[G] Over the [C] sea to [G] Skye
[Verse 1]
[Em] Loud the wind howls, [Am] loud the waves roar
[Em] Thunderclaps [C] rend the [Em] air
[Em] Baffled, our foes [Am] stand by the shore
[Em] Follow they [C] will not [Em] dare [D]
[G] Speed bonnie [Em] boat like a [Am] bird on the [D] wing
[G] Onward the [C] sailors [G] cry. [D]
[G] Carry the [Em] lad that's [Am] born to be [D]king
[G] Over the [C] sea to [G] Skye
[Verse 2]
[Em] Though the waves heave, [Am] soft shall ye sleep
[Em] Ocean's a [C] royal [Em] bed
[Em] Rocked in the deep, [Am] Flora will keep
[Em] Watch by your [C] weary [Em] head [D]
[G] Speed bonnie [Em] boat like a [Am] bird on the [D] wing
[G] Onward the [C] sailors [G] cry. [D]
[G] Carry the [Em] lad that's [Am] born to be [D]king
[G] Over the [C] sea to [G] Skye
[Outro, getting slower]
[G] Over the [C] sea to [G] Skye
Skye Boat Song [G]
Chorus G Speed bonnie Em boat like a Am bird on the D wing G Onward the C sailors G cry. D G Carry the Em lad that's Am born to be Dking G Over the C sea to G Skye
Verse 1 Em Loud the wind howls, Am loud the waves roar Em Thunderclaps C rend the Em air Em Baffled, our foes Am stand by the shore Em Follow they C will not Em dare D
Chorus G Speed bonnie Em boat like a Am bird on the D wing G Onward the C sailors G cry. D G Carry the Em lad that's Am born to be Dking G Over the C sea to G Skye
Verse 2 Em Though the waves heave, Am soft shall ye sleep Em Ocean's a C royal Em bed Em Rocked in the deep, Am Flora will keep Em Watch by your C weary Em head D
Chorus G Speed bonnie Em boat like a Am bird on the D wing G Onward the C sailors G cry. D G Carry the Em lad that's Am born to be Dking G Over the C sea to G Skye