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Somewhere Over the Rainbow [C]Arlen and Harburg

Intro C

CSomewhere Emo-over the rainbow
F Way up Chigh
FThere's a Cland that I heard of
G7Once in a lullaCby

CSomewhere Emo-over the rainbow
F Skies are Cblue
FAnd the Cdreams that you dare to
G7Dream really do come Ctrue

Some Cday I'll wish upon a star
And G7wake up where the clouds are far beFhind... me
Where Ctroubles melt like lemondrops
AG7way above the chimney tops
That's Amwhere.... you'll... Ffind me

CSomewhere Emo-over the rainbow
F Bluebirds Cfly
FBirds fly Co-over the rainbow
G7Why then... oh why can't CI?

If Chappy little bluebirds fly
BeG7yond the rainbow
Why, oh Fwhy... G7can't CI?

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7 2 Am