Spoof - Ukulele Hallelujah
[intro] (C)[Am] [C] [Am]
Now I’ve [C] heard there was a [Am] list of chords
That [C] I should play ’til [Am] I got bored
My [F] teacher told me [G] I must practice [C] daily [G]
It [C] goes like this, [F] C, F, [G] G7
I’ll [Am] never play the [F] harp in heaven
I’m [G] going to hell to [E7] play my uku-[Am]-lele
Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[Am]-lele, Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[C]-le-----[G]-le [C]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am]
On [C] X Factor they [Am] sang this song
But [C] I believe they [Am] got it wrong
The [F] vocals sounded [G] shrill and far to [C] wail-ey [G]
But [C] sometimes when [F] the spirit [G] moves
I’m [Am] sure that laughing [F] Len approves
I’ll [G] play his song [E7] upon my uku-[Am]-lele
Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[Am]-lele , Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[C]-le-----[G]-le [C]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am]
It [C] doesn’t matter [Am] who you are
Or [C] where you come from, [Am] near or far
You [F] could be Greek, Bra-[G]-zilian or Is-[C]-raeli [G]
No-[C]-one will want to [F] be your [G] friend
Be-[Am]-cause you drive them [F] round the bend
And [G] irritate them [E7] with your uku-[Am]-lele
Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[Am]-lele, Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[C]-le-----[G]-le [C]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am]
So [C] armed with my [Am] half-dozen chords
I'm [C] setting out to [Am] tread the boards
At [F] folk-club sessions, [G] open mic or [C] ceilidh [G]
From [C] jazz, thrash-metal, [F] country, [G] pop
To [Am] little stick of [F] Blackpool Rock
You'll [G] hear them all [E7] upon my uku-[Am]-lele
Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[Am]-lele
Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[C]-le-----[G]-le [C]
[C] [Am] [C] [Am]
Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[Am]-lele, Uku-[F]-lele, uku-[C]-le-----[G]-le [C]
Spoof [Am]Ukulele Hallelujah
Now I’ve C heard there was a Am list of chords That C I should play ’til Am I got bored My F teacher told me G I must practice C daily G It C goes like this, F C, F, G G7 I’ll Am never play the F harp in heaven I’m G going to hell to E7 play my uku-Am-lele
Uku-F-lele, uku-Am-lele, Uku-F-lele, uku-C-le-----G-le C CAmCAm
On C X Factor they Am sang this song But C I believe they Am got it wrong The F vocals sounded G shrill and far to C wail-ey G But C sometimes when F the spirit G moves I’m Am sure that laughing F Len approves I’ll G play his song E7 upon my uku-Am-lele
Uku-F-lele, uku-Am-lele , Uku-F-lele, uku-C-le-----G-le C CAmCAm
It C doesn’t matter Am who you are Or C where you come from, Am near or far You F could be Greek, Bra-G-zilian or Is-C-raeli G No-C-one will want to F be your G friend Be-Am-cause you drive them F round the bend And G irritate them E7 with your uku-Am-lele
Uku-F-lele, uku-Am-lele, Uku-F-lele, uku-C-le-----G-le C CAmCAm
So C armed with my Am half-dozen chords I'm C setting out to Am tread the boards At F folk-club sessions, G open mic or C ceilidh G From C jazz, thrash-metal, F country, G pop To Am little stick of F Blackpool Rock You'll G hear them all E7 upon my uku-Am-lele Uku-F-lele, uku-Am-lele
Uku-F-lele, uku-C-le-----G-le C CAmCAm
Uku-F-lele, uku-Am-lele, Uku-F-lele, uku-C-le-----G-le C